Facts of Climate Change All the trends shown below are massive. And they have gotten worse in the last few years - not better!

auf Deutsch in English

1. We burn more and more coal and oil.

2. The CO2 in the atmosphere is rising.

3. Our planet is getting warmer.

Coal and Oil Production CO2 after 1600 Temperature Rise
Worldwide coal- and oil-production from 1700 until 2000, in GtCO2 / year (from: "Sustainable Energy — without the hot air", von D. J.C. MacKay, 2009). CO2-concentration (in "parts per million") in the atmosphere during the last 1100 years. The data are from ice cores (until 1977), and from direct recordings on Hawaii (since 1958) (from: "Sustainable Energy — without the hot air", von D. J.C. MacKay, 2009).

Global temperature change since 1850: Recorded values, and simulation results from 2 current simulation models. (from: "Copenhagen Diagnosis", 2009).


Thomas Haslwanter, Last modified 2 May, 2012